#knowledge Outback power http://t.co/Bar5RW8CRi
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Over 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity, essential for the socioeconomic development of communities and regions.
SharedSolar takes a decentralized approach to providing electric infrastructure and service to communities that are not immediately considered viable for grid connectivity.
Flexible Payments, Reliable Service
SharedSolar is providing pay-as-you-go electricity to achieve maximum financial and social inclusion. Customers pre-pay for the service when they want, in amounts of their choosing and there are no monthly fees. Real-time demand/supply management strategies help ensure fair distribution and high uptimes.
Incremental, Source-Neutral, Long-Term Infrastructure
The generation and storage capacities are sized to match existing demand. As the demand grows over time, capacity is added through more solar panel or even other energy sources like wind, hydro, diesel etc. When the grid arrives, the local distribution network and management system can be utilized without modifications.
Data-driven Service Delivery and Contracts
All stakeholders have access to real-time, contextual information. Customers can access their use and balance data, make payments, etc. using mobile phones. Operators have enhanced situational awareness and control, allowing them to manage their assets and operations effectively. Donors and governmental agencies can monitor performance using the same platforms.